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September 29, 2021

The name of our business is Golden Rule Home Watch & Concierge. We’ve discussed what Home Watch is in previous posts, so let’s take a look at the concierge services side of our company. When you live in a house, there are constantly things you need to do to keep the home running effectively and […]

September 14, 2021

Is it my imagination, or are we seeing more and more violent storms throughout our Northern Virginia region? Thunderstorms, flooding, hurricanes, tornados…what’s next? Experts claim that global warming is to blame. No matter what the cause, storms and weather events can create problems for your home. Especially if you’re away. That’s why you need someone […]

July 10, 2021

When you live in a house, you know that the systems in it (HVAC, plumbing etc.) all have a limited life. The question is…will you be there when one quits? If not, you could be in for substantial damage and financial loss. Home systems can represent up to 20% of the home’s total cost! With […]

June 26, 2021

Using your thermostat correctly can be to your best advantage to save both energy and money, and to protect your home’s interior.  Mainly, it is to create a comfortable environment while you’re living in the house. But what about when you travel? One question we’re often asked is “Should I run my AC fan while […]

April 7, 2021

If you’ve never used a Home Watch service, or if you’ve never heard of a Home Watch service, know that there is no one type or style. As independent businesses, each owner may offer a different range of services, and have a wide variation in background and training. Not all Home Watch companies are the […]

March 15, 2021

Although Home Watch is not new, it may be a new way for many people to secure homes they own when they are not occupying them. There are many reasons to use Home Watch, and many people who could benefit from it. Let’s look at who is an ideal home watch client and Home Watch […]

March 5, 2021

When you leave your home for an extended period, like a vacation or a job assignment, you probably wonder what you should do to make sure that your home stays safe while you’re away. Hiring a Home Watch service is an obvious choice. In addition to the things you should do to prepare your home […]

February 1, 2021

If you own a home, but you don’t live in it full time, you are an absentee homeowner. You may have a vacation home that you visit only several times a year, or you might spend a good part of your year traveling, leaving your home empty for months at a time. As an absentee […]

January 25, 2021

When you own a home, you know that there are things you need to do to keep your house safe and functional. But what happens when you’re not there to monitor, maintain and secure your home? To avoid a potential disaster, you need Home Watch services. Reasons Why You Need Home Watch When you’re away […]

December 14, 2020

Owning a home is a responsibility, and each season there are maintenance tasks to perform in order to keep it running in tip-top order. Here are 14 ways to prepare your home for winter. Tips to Prepare Your Home for Winter Get a heating system tune-up. Ask your heating system technician to perform an inspection […]