We’ve been talking about the virtues of Home Watch for some time now, but never have we come across a case like this one—bees in the walls! It was a true blessing that we were hired by these homeowners to protect their home when this happened.
In Northern Virginia this summer, we experienced several instances of our clients’ homes with bee infestations. After we notified the homeowners, the infestations were remedied.
In this particular case, we started noticing bees flying inside the home. Upon further investigation, we noticed dead bees on the windowsills and floor.
The homeowners had been away for several months, and were to continue their absence for several months more. After notifying the homeowners of our findings, we received permission to investigate further.

Honey Bees in the Walls
Using our well-vetted, deep network of home services professionals, we contacted a local bee control specialist. Their company arrived and we pointed out what we had seen. They did a thorough inspection of the property. Using thermal sensors, they discovered that honey bees had infiltrated the walls around the chimney and had built a huge hive and honeycombs around the fireplace mantel.
The remediation was extensive. Golden Rule was on hand to let workers into the home and supervise their work on the homeowner’s behalf. Since honey bees are a valuable asset as pollinators in our ecosystem, we didn’t want to kill them, so we contacted a local apiary. The team had to open up the walls and capture the bees in order to remove and relocate them. After this was completed, we then supervised carpenters on the restoration of the home and reported back to the homeowners with photographs.

It’s Not Easy Removing Bees
“Wall voids are attractive to honey bee swarms seeking permanent nesting sites,” reports the University of George extension office. Honey bees in walls can pose a sting hazard, may trouble people with their buzzing noise, and if the colony dies, “its beeswax combs are no longer ventilated by fanning bees. The combs may melt and stain interior walls with honey and wax.”
If an established colony must be eliminated, “the entire nest, including bees and combs, must be removed. It is best to hire a beekeeper and carpenter team specialized for this work,” the extension office recommends. “Typically these specialists wait until evening, when all bees are inside the nest. Next, they expose the nest by removing the siding [or wall materials] and vacuuming the bees off each wax comb, cutting away, vacuuming and removing each comb in succession until all bees and combs are removed. The carpenter then seals off the void and all potential bee entry sites.”
Related: Learn more about Honey Bee Swarms and Bees in Walls.
There’s Nothing Like the Eyes and Ears of a Home Watch Professional
When clients hire Golden Rule Home Watch & Concierge, we provide them with a schedule and checklist of all the items we will check on each visit to their home. This is normal procedure for our Home Watch services. The added benefit to this client was having our eyes, ears and feet on the ground. There is no replacement for that, and no technology that could have told the homeowners they had honey bees in their walls.
Left unchecked, the homeowners would have arrived home to a major issue that could have caused massive damage, in addition to the headaches of having to deal with it. They were very grateful for our services, and extolled the value we provided during their extended absence.
Don’t Leave Your Home Unattended. Trust Golden Rule Home Watch & Concierge
You never know what could happen to your home when you’re away, so trust your property to Golden Rule Home Watch & Concierge. Our team is fully trained, licensed, bonded and insured for your protection and peace of mind. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.