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What is Hi-Tech Hi-Touch Home Watch?

March 19, 2018

Home Watcher


What is Hi-Tech Hi-Touch Home Watch?

Let’s first define Home Watch itself…it is NOT house sitting or property management.  A Home Watch Professional does not live in your house.  A Home Watch Professional does visit your home regularly and visually checks almost everything (interior and exterior) looking fr any issues. Home Watch is proactive in preventing a problem from becoming a disaster.

A homeowner who will be away for an extended period of time hires someone to visit their home periodically to make sure that there are no issues with the home and that all systems (HVAC, plumbing) are functioning. 

The Golden Rule Team has taken Home Watch a step further by creating the Hi-Tech Hi-Touch Home Watch SystemSM.

  • Hi-Tech – Since a problem can occur in your home at any time, our team will install portable, wireless environmental sensors that monitor your home for power failure, temperature, humidity and water leaks.  Golden Rule remotely monitors your home’s environment, receives alerts when anything out of the ordinary occurs, and responds quickly, going to your home if needed. The sensors require no drilling, no wires and there is no damage whatsoever to the home.  Technology (sensors) that never sleeps.
  • Hi-Touch – A Golden Rule team member visits your home on a regular, scheduled basis and visually checks everything (exterior and interior) making sure that there is nothing out of order, there are no problems and all systems are working normally Following each home watch visit, a time and GPS stamped report is sent to you with your home’s status, pictures and details as appropriate.

Technology that monitors for problems 24/7 coupled with regular home visits, detailed reporting and quick follow-up by a Golden Rule Team Member.  HVAC problems, power outages, water leaks - the technology alerts us on these issues, while human eyes and ears pick up on other problems (full gutters, pest infestation, vandalism).  Again, home watch is far more than house sitting and often more proactive than property management.

That’s the Golden Rule Home Watch difference - the combined value of technology AND trained people!