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Cyber Security – Guarding Your Personal Information.

April 2, 2018

The internet and e-Commerce capabilities available in 2018 are nothing short of amazing.  You need to protect yourself though.   Just as you would not pass out copies of your drivers license and passport information or leave the front door to your home open (on purpose).  You need to guard your identity as closely as you would protect physical assets.  Learn the basics of cyber security so you can protect yourself and your family
We all have many log ins, passwords and assets (Identity, Social Security number, bank accounts, your kids/grand kids accounts to protect.  Securing those assets and your on-line identity does not mean that you have to trade security for convenience.  Whether it is your smartphone, a laptop, PC/MAC, tablet, your home internet router or your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram page, there are steps you can take to protect yourself.  Do you know what information you should NEVER post on public (social media) forums?   Just because a site asks for specific information, does not mean that you need to provide it!
Hackers are often lazy, meaning they go after the easiest don't want to be that "low hanging fruit".   Having one's identity stolen is for more expensive and inconvenient than putting simple safeguards in place.
Take a look from the National Cyber Security Alliance.  Also this is a great article to share with friends and family members who are not cyber security aware.
Cyber Security is a topic that effects everyone.   Be an informed consumer and protect yourself (and your identity) at all times, just as you would protect your home or automobile by securing it and keeping an eye out for bad things that might happen.  As someone on a famous TV show back in the 80's used to say, "be careful out there".  Stay Safe!!
Golden Rule Home Watch & Concierge provides Home Watch and Concierge services in the Northern Virginia and Washington, DC areas.  We also know a thing or two about cyber security and glad to share


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