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Never Do This if You Find a Wasp’s Nest at Your Home

September 11, 2023


Discovering wasps in your Northern Virginia home can be concerning and even frightening. And it is essential to approach their nest with caution and a clear understanding of what not to do. In this post, we’ll look at things you should never do if you find a wasp’s nest at your home.

NEVER attempt to agitate or disturb the wasp’s nest intentionally. Wasps are highly territorial and defensive insects. If you provoke them by poking or spraying the nest, you are likely to be overwhelmed by a swarm of the aggressive wasps, which can result in painful strings and potentially-serious allergic reactions.

NEVER try to remove the wasp’s nest on your own without the proper knowledge, protective gear and equipment. It’s tempting to reach for a can of insecticide, but this can be risky. Removing the nest yourself can lead to incomplete eradication and the surviving wasps may retaliated. It’s best to leave the task to trained professionals.

NEVER use fire or flammable substances to attempt to destroy the nest. This is dangerous and can lead to property damage or injuries. The risk of starting a fire and having it spread to your home or surroundings is too high.

NEVER try to seal or block the nest entrance with materials like tape or cement. Wasps can find alternative ways to exit and may become trapped inside your home, thus increasing the likelihood of stings or further problems.

NEVER ignore the issue. Wasps are social insects and their nests can grow in size and population rapidly. Delaying action can make the situation more challenging and potentially more dangerous over time.

What Does a Wasp’s Nest Look Like?

A wasp’s nest typically appears as a papery structure, often resembling a gray or brownish football or upside-down teardrop shape. Its texture is similar to papier-mâché, as it is constructed from a mixture of wood pulp and saliva. This gives the nest a course and fibrous surface. You can see a small entrance hole at the lower part of the nest where wasps fly in and out. This indicates an active nest.

The size of the nest can vary significantly, depending on the wasp species and how long the nest has been allowed to develop. Some nests are the size of a golf ball, while others can be basketball-sized or even larger. They are usually attached to a surface such as tree branches, eaves, roof overhangs or even inside walls (see our related post: Bees in the Walls).

Dangers of Wasps

  • Stings. Wasps will sting to defend their nest and can sting multiple times. For those allergic, a single sting can lead to severe and sometimes life-threatening reactions. Wasp stings are painful and can cause localized swelling, redness and itching, and may require medical attention.
  • Aggressive Behavior. Disturbing the nest can trigger an aggressive response from the entire colony which will swarm and attack the perceived threat.
  • Nest Growth. Left unaddressed, the wasp nest can grow. Larger nests contain more wasps, which increases the likelihood of being stung.
  • Home Invasion. Wasps can build nests inside your home, such as in wall voids or attic spaces, putting your family at risk.
  • Property Damage. Wasps chew wood and use it to construct their nests.

How can Golden Rule Home Watch Protect Your Home from a Wasp’s Nest?

You hire Golden Rule Home Watch & Concierge to watch your home when you will be away from home for an extended period. That time away allows a wasp’s nest to grow in size significantly, which could create a massive issue when you return home.

As a Home Watch professional, Golden Rule can help prevent wasp problems in several ways:

  • Early Detection. We are trained to identify signs of pest infestations during our routine inspections, including wasp’s nests. By spotting the nest in its early stages when it is smaller and less established, we can prevent the nest from growing larger and more challenging to remove.
  • Timely Action. When we identify a wasp’s nest, we promptly notify you or can take action per your agreement. This swift response helps deter the nest from becoming a significant threat.
  • Preventive Measures. We can offer preventive measures to deter wasps from nesting on your property with measures like inspections of potential nesting sites, sealing cracks and openings, and recommending wasp-discouraging landscaping practices.
  • Regular Maintenance. Keeping your property well maintained ensures that overgrown vegetation, debris and attractants are promptly address, to reduce wasps being drawn to your home.
  • Emergency Response. If a wasp nest becomes an urgent issue, your Golden Rule Home Watch can facilitate the immediate intervention by pest control experts, ensuring the nest is safely and effectively removed.
  • Peace of Mind. Knowing your property is being regularly inspected and maintained lets you enjoy your time away without worry. You can trust that potential issues will be address promptly and professionally.

Contact Golden Rule Home Watch & Concierge for Northern Virginia Home Watch

To protect your Northern Virginia property and provide your family with peace of mind, contact Golden Rule Home Watch & Concierge at 855-928-2424 or complete our online form.