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11 Items You Should Never Leave Outside During Winter

December 8, 2023


As winter descends, the colder temperatures and severe weather conditions can pose challenges to the care and preservation of our outdoor possession. From electronic devices and delicate furniture, to potted plants and outdoor equipment, each item is exposed to risks from freezing temperatures and moisture. In this post, we’ll look at 11 items you should never leave outside during winter.

Chair Cushions

Although your outdoor chair cushions are designed to repel water, they don’t withstand winter’s temperatures and moisture well and can develop mold or mildew.

Pillows and Rugs

Decorative pillows and rugs are also not meant to be left out in the elements during winter. Store them with your chair cushions in an environment where they won’t be exposed to damp conditions. Do not cover them with plastic, as that will trap moisture inside.

Wooden or Wicker Furniture

Freezing temperatures and moisture can cause furniture to warp, crack or develop mold. Store these items inside or cover them for protection.

Metal Furniture

Either bring your iron or steel furnishings inside or cover them well. Items made of these elements don’t withstand the cold and moisture well and can rust and break under winter conditions.

Small Furniture Pieces

It’s always best to bring your smaller furniture items such as your decorative tables, stools or plant stands inside during winter. You’re not going to use them outdoors anyway, so use this time to clean them and get them ready for spring.

Outdoor Electronics

Cold temperatures can cause electronic items like outdoor speakers or lawn tools to malfunction or lose battery life. It’s best to take them in for the season.


Many plants can be damaged or killed by frost or cold temperatures. Store them inside or in a sheltered area.

Clay Planters

Because of their porous nature, clay planters and decorative items won’t withstand the extreme changes in temperature if left out. They can crack, chip or disintegrate under the elements.

Glass and Ceramics

Your pretty pieces don’t like the cold and will not fare well with freeze-and-thaw days in winter.

Garden Hoses

Disconnect and drain your garden hoses and bring them inside for over-winter storage. Water left inside can freeze and expand, causing tears in the plastic.


Items containing water or liquids, such as watering cans, paints and cleaning supplies can expand and contract, damaging their containers. Freezing temperatures can also alter the composition of some liquids like paints and solvents, rendering them ineffective or causing them to separate.

Related: Winter Storage Tips for All Things Outdoors

Safeguarding your possessions during winter and taking proactive measures to store them appropriately can preserve their appearance and functionality, and shield them from potential damage. As you stow away your outdoor items, you’ll ensure they emerge unscathed and ready for use when the warm weather returns. Don't forget to clean your outdoor items and check for insects prior to bringing them indoors.

Golden Rule Home Watch Can Help Protect Your Outside Items During Winter

Engaging a Home Watch professional like Golden Rule Home Watch & Concierge can help protect your Northern Virginia property even in the winter months. During our meticulous examination of your outdoor areas, we’ll pay close attention to items that might be vulnerable, and can identify potential issues like frozen pipes early on. As part of our assessment or concierge services, we can check for rust on metal furniture, inspect the integrity of wooden items, and evaluable the overall stability of outdoor structures to protect them from ice and snow damage. We may also make recommendations on what items need to be brought into shelter, and can arrange their transport while you’re away.

Home Watch provides you with peace of mind as a proactive defense against the challenges posted by winter weather. By entrusting your property to our professionals, you can have a worry-free winter while you’re away from home for an extended period.

Contact Golden Rule Home Watch & Concierge

To learn more about our Home Watch services, contact Golden Rule Home Watch at 855-928-2424, or use our online request form.